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Tuesday 13 December 2011

Evaluation Question 8-Wordle

This is what we done in class after watching each groups work. We had questions that we had to answer and sent it to the group. The questions were based on what was really good about the film, what was not good, is there any stereotypical in the media. So after writing about each film we watched we had to wordle it which you see above. It’s based on the amount of words that are the same (which we see them big), and the less words we see comes out really small. By looking at it I can see that everyone understand the film which is a good thing. I see that all most everyone has agreed that the film is for 15 +, I can see the word prop is big which shows that the use of prop is really good. I think using wordle is good because you can see what people say the most and not the most. I think it helped use trust our film and not to worry about it.

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