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Tuesday 13 December 2011

Final Production

 Theres the link to my group blogger where the final video is played in....


Evaluation 6

6.What have you learnt about technologies from the process on constructing this product?
When we first started doing our coursework we had been introduced to blogger with
is a site where you post things about what you are doing and what have you done. This kind of site is used by film producers, singers, book writers, actors and many others which work in the media
world. They post things to give information on what they are doing ( more like advertising themselves). So we started using blogger so we can write about what we do in class and how do we build up our ideas for o
your film.
Before we started filming/practicing for our coursework, the first lesson back from half term was to learn how to use the JVC camera and the tripod. We had learnt where the buttons that we will use is and how to put and take out batteries and memory cards. After that we had a practice on filming with the camera ,
everyone in our group got a hand of the camera. After that lesson our second part of the lesson wa
s how to use the Macs. In our class a lot of the people did not know how to use a Mac which includes me. So in that lesson we had learnt how to use the final cut pro, soundtrack pro and live type. After that o
n the Macs there was a profile which had small amount of clips which was a little boy in the café eating he’s lunch and then a homeless man comes in and eats the let outs on the table. So we had to edited that clip to really have the change of using final cut pro before using it on our film.

/ final cut pro I have learnt how to cut the clip and fade it. I have learnt how to make the sound of the water to do down and then silence at one point with the mountain button on final cut pro. After editin
g we had used the soundtrack which we done the sound track. It was different at the beginning but after we got the hand of it. After doing the sound we used live type to do our
title sequence

Evaluation 7


7.Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?

On this shot from ‘ phone call‘, you can only see the scene which is not useful. If we had films the whole of the phone( with the numbers) it would have been useful. The camera shot if really plain with does not create tension. The phone is only on the table and you do not even see the girl that picks up the phone on the same shot. It looks simple and not professional. The idea of this shot was to show who is calling but it did not show really well.
This is a photo from the duo where the phone rings and the girl picks the phone up. To make this shot really effective we had a close up of the phone ringing to show who is calling. Then we cut to the phone again but in mid shot and then we track the girl picking up the phone. So in one shot we had to things in it which made the film even more effective. The mise en scene we used in there was the towel where the phone is on top. You can see the phone in detailed because you can see the buttons, the towel and the scene which is way better then the one in ’phone call’. The phone is not straight but in a different angle which you will not see a phone in a straight angle. So this shot looks way more better and natural then the one in ‘phone call’.

In the phone call because we did not have much time we did not take much shots which made our film not good. The shot types we shoots were not right at all and did not fit into our film. Example Clara is on the phone and we just showed the side of there face which was not useful because on the phone she gets some thing shocking so to show her shock on her face. To show this shock we had to shoot the film on the table to show her face. There was not a multiple clips so we had to use the one on the side. Another example is when Sheree comes into the class room, the camera outside the class room door and Sheree passes the camera and walks in. This shot is good but not really good because when Sheree gets in and turns her back to the camera which I see this shot as a useless shot because there is nothing going on. Instead of having this shot really long we should of have the camera inside the class room and shoot the film there so we can have Sheree walking in though the door and then a cut to her inside the class room walking towards Clara. This would of made our film more effective then before. Another thing that does not look good is the lighting. When we filmed ‘ phone call’ we did not use any lighting because it was only a practical so we only used the class room light which did not come out good at all. I think this way because when Sheree and Clara are having a conversation you can she Clara’s face but its really bright and when shooting Sheree we could not see her face because we did not have the right equipment. The dialog was not clearer to hear it as well.

When filming ‘the duo’ , we had more then the amount of time we had filming for ‘phone call’ which gave us the opportunity to film more shots the shots we had fit into our film really well because it was where the audience would want the camera to be. We had more then the amount of shots we needed just in case some thing happens to the shot we were going to for our film. The part I really like from ‘the duo’ is when the girl is on the phone and walking towards her bed room. To do this shot when the girl is walking towards her room we were going to have the camera on the side but I did not like the way it will look like because on the phone the boy friend is saying to get out of the house, some one is coming to kill you. So when some one hears these word they will be shocked so to show this shock we had to have the camera on her face (the camera walking backwards). The lighting was really good because we were experimenting even when we were filming because when we used the light there was all ways a shadow which was casting all the time. When doing this we had to change the lighting angle all the time which worked at the end. It was hard to film at night but at the end it worked. The light was really good because we could see the characters faces and we did not make the whole place light up because it will look like its in a day time which it was not. We did have difficulties but we coped with it and we done it really well. Because the light was casting a shadow we had to change angles of the lighting or we used two lights. In the duo you can hear all most everything cleanly.

By doing this what I have learnt is that the more detail we show in the film the more better it is. I have learnt that we should not make everything prefect because it will not look normal. When we done this before filming our actual film, as a group we through our film was really good but now I can see the miss takes we had done and I can see that our filming skills has improved. For ‘ the duo’ I think we have done really well but some parts were not really good. I think this looks good now but in the future if we do filming again I think I will think that ‘the duo’ does not look professional which this shows that as we film we gain new skills which I am really happy about.


Evaluation1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

When planning our film we did not have a clues that our beginning is the same with the film Halloween. In Halloween the most tension scene is at the end but our film has this at the beginning. The killer is dressed in black cloths just like our film the killer wears dark coloured cloths. The two killers all ways walk in the dark which shows there characteristic. In both of the films the female is the rich one but in danger.

The camera shots are all the same type because the scene in the wardrobe , the camera shots are close up of the face and mid and long shot of the killer coming in. Even the editing is the same because when the killer comes into the bedroom, there is a shot of the women in the wardrobe and then a cut to the killer breaking things in the room trying to look for the women. The editing is really good in Halloween so we tried to present our work like that but some parts failed use.


The duo :

Social groups


2.How does your media product represent particular social groups?

A lot of the females will relate them self’s to the victim/ female in the film because in a lot of films that I have watched , the female ends up in the situation of the killer coming and killing them. This is showing that the women is weak (in the media) and the man is stronger and can stop the killer or be the killer. So its more of a stereotype. When trying to show the social class of the characters, we used a big house to show that she is not an ordinary teenage girl because an ordinary teenage which is studying will not have a big house with 4 rooms. We done this because her boyfriend haves problems with the mafia and when you are working for the mafia you would be rich in some way. In the wardrobe, we put hand bags , shoes and cloths to show that she is a girly girl which loves shopping for that reason she has money to shop so much. This type of class even reminds me of lady gaga the video of beautiful, dirty ,rich. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Nr33m1zXVE

The killer which breaks into the house is a hit man. He is a poor guys which kills people for money so that why we wanted him to wear black to show he’s characteristics. Black would close, hide he’s past and show us his power ,evilness, mystery’s, elegance's and formality. So the killer is hooded to hide his face from people / police. Because the girl is wearing colour which shows happiness , the killer wearing black represents fear and negative connotation. Because the killer is wearing tracksuit we automatically know we is a working class.

This was the shot of the killer coming towards the female to kill her. in most of the films , when the women is scared and does not know where to hide , they wait at the door(thinking time) and then they does what they planed in that moment. its all ways long a long shot that why we told it in long shot.

This is the part where the killer finds the female and breaks into the wardrobe to kill them. this type of shot is all ways a mid shot( just showing the face to show their sinister smile).

This is the shot in the wardrobe. in the wardrobe because there is no light , there is a bright light on the character's face. this type of shot all ways is a mid shot.

Audience For Our Film

5.Who would be the audience for your media product?

The thriller which we filmed is aimed at ages between 15 to 29, both female and male but because the film is about to couples I think that the audiences will mainly be females.

An example of an audience which will fit into our category is Yasemin Jacobs which is 16 years old. She has a older brother which moved out and she has a younger sister called Meryem. Yasemin is currently attending college and lives with her mother and step father. Yasemin waste most of her time studying and watching TV and films on the her computer. On the weekends Yasemin goes out with her friends out or stays at home cleaning but after watching films on the internet. Yasemin goes to the cinema on Wednesdays which she uses orange Wednesdays to get her friend into the film as well. Yasmein watches films on the internet constantly, in a week she watches 2-3 films on the internet. If she likes the film that she watched on the internet , when the DVD comes out she tends to buy the DVD to watch it with her family. When Yasemin is free she goes shopping with her friends and her mother. She tenets to go to oxford streets with her friends and goes food shopping with her mother. She does not go out with her sister because they two do not get along really well.

Yasemin watches action, animation, comedy, drama, thriller and loves horror. Yasemin would be interested in our thriller film because she loves films that have killing in. She likes when a female is the victim and the guy comes into her house and kills the girl. She likes violent films which are creepy and tensed in the same time. I think that Yasemin would put her self into the character ( the victim) and image her in the film, so she would enjoy the film really much.

Panic Room

When watching the trailer of panic room, I really like the way the camera zooms in and moves without stopping. I can image how the hull house is covered with equipment for the camera. In like the way the camera shots are taken differently which makes the film tensed. I choose this video because when the class watched our film they said that it reminds them of panic room because the women gets killed in her own house. The Trailer is really fast which builds up tension and mades the audience watch it again because you did not see much everything because its fast. i think its really fast because when people panic they run around , not knowing what they are doing(really fast). i really like the sound track because it starts nice and normal ,calm music but later in the trailer everything gets mix up and troble comes into the house. so at that point the music is all creeyp. The music even reminds me of Saw.

audience feedback

8. Audience feedback and comments on about the film


When filming the audience talking about our film, I was quiet impressed with the feedback we had. I though our film was not building put tension towards the end but from what the audience said I think we made our gaol.

When getting the audience feedback I think we have done well in our film. What I think we could have improved is the editing. Towards the end the film was slow with the editing which did not make the ending really tensed, which why i asked one of the audience if they though the speed of the timing was good. I think for the sound, some places in our film did not have music or sound effects because in the shining when some thing tensed going to happen there is slices which made the audience think what’s going to happen. We tried this but I did not work really so I think we should of have really quite instrument to not made it boring at one point. Other then that I think as a group of 4 we have done really well.

The editing: Evalaution

What we did when editing?
- Cross cut
- Match cut
- Parallel editing
- Cut in

What we used when editing the film to make it more tensed!
When editing we used parallel editing to Create tension, can show multiple points of view and can create dramatic irony when the characters are unaware of events unfolding away from the main action. We used cut-away to show the two characters coming together. Example the girl is in the bathroom getting ready to have a bath and then a cut to the killer breaking into the house. This type of shot builds tension. We used cut in to show the detail of the phone (who is calling). We used this because it build tension and can create a dramatic irony when the details being shown may not be apparent to the character. We used match cutting where the killer breaks into the house. We see the killer outside trying to break into the house and then there is a cut to the killer opening the door from inside the house.

When editing we put the clips together which fit together like the killer’s part was separate and the girls part separate so that we do not get them mixed up. After we had all the clips together to make the timing right we mixed them up together to have the girl in the bathroom and at the same time the killer coming into the house. After finishing editing we worked on our title sequence.

The camera: Evaluation

What have I learnt from using the camera?When using the camera I have learnt how to open it and close it. I have learnt where most of the buttons are and what we use them for. I have learnt how the shots will look good from different angles. when doing a point of view shot you will need to have the camera hand held and when you shake the camera a bit it will look realistic like an example of cloverfield, the film was shot with an hand held camera which gives away the atmosphere of an human being in that situation. If the camera is shaking that means you are running in that point. So it pulls you into the film and makes you feel like you are that character.

Did I straggle when using the camera?
I did straggle using the camera for the first time because I did not know where all the buttons where and when filming the second time the camera was coming out of focus which my group tired to fix it but it did not work and as that did not work our filming come out rubies. Other then that I did not straggle a lot; it was just where to shot the film from and what type of shot is it going to be. When first filming, it was not really dark and it looked normal so we started shooting and when we looked back at what we done on the camera it looked good as well but when going back on to the Mac it looked really dark, you could not even see a thing. So the cameras light filming was not good and made as run out of time, that’s why we shot the film about 4 times.

Did we use the camera by hand or the tripod?
When filming we used the tripod most of the time but when filming a point of view shot we had the camera hand held to make it look effective.

What camera did we use?
We used the JVC digital tapeless camera.

What were the common shots in the film?
The most shot types where the same was mid shot. Mid shot and long shot was the most common shot type in our film.

Did we use panning, tilting and tracking?
When filming the killer breaking into the house we were tracking him and then panning him getting the umbrella. To do the point of view shot we tilted the camera to look up and then pan to look next door neighbours.

Did we zoom in when filming? Why not?
When filming we did not use zooming when filming because it looks cheap and not professional. We did want to do zoom but because we did not have the right equipment. With out the equipment zooming in will look cheap.

When doing a point of view shot, what did we try to do with the camera?
When shooting the point of view shot, we did not keep it steady because it will look like its on a tripod so we tried to shake it a bit to look like the character’s point of view.

What types of camera shots are in our film!
The most commonly used camera angle is the eye level shot in our film. Simply, the camera is positioned at eye level to the action. It maintains balance between the characters and audience in terms of relative power positioning. We used panning because it follows the action or leads the audience by rotating on an imaginary vertical axis while remaining stationary. The pan gives the impression of moving horizontally through space. Panning is used to frame the action as it moves through a scene from left to right. Sometimes used as a (POV) looking at a scene through the eyes of a character as he scans the scene which this is used in our film when the killer looks at the bedroom window from out side garden. Tilt is used mostly to explore a space from top to bottom. This type of shot is used as a (POV) shot looking at a scene through the eyes of a character as he looks up or down, which is used again when the killer looks to the bedroom window from outside. In our film tracking is a common shot because it follows the action or characters as they travel from one space to another. We used hand-held camera when we were doing our point of view shot. We used this to show the character's perspective as he or she moves through a scene; to make the audience feel uncomfortable; to make the shot appear natural or realistic; or even to draw attention to the existence of the camera itself

The Pitch Of The Idea