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Thursday, 8 March 2012

Evaluation for my website Unit 19 & 60

My website I biased on a cinema website. I think my graphic work on the website is suitable for a cinema website and looks suitable on the screen. It does not look over the top which the film posters, colours and text.
My design for my company was basic. I wanted to main page to look like a cinema website so I added film posters, the top 8 list film and I added some film adverts. So why did I do all of this, well before I started creating my website I did some research on how would I make a design for my website. I looked at all different types of cinema website example: cineworld, showcase, vue, odena and many others as well. In the entire website I have visited, I saw that there are film posters on the mina page. This is a common thing that all cinema websites do to show which films are at the cinema now.  On my home page I did the same by making a movie clip of film posters that I have picked. The films I have picked for my website are not the latest films that are out. To make the film posters stand out move I picked the film posters that could make the website more colourful and more interesting. On the sides of my website, I wanted to add some film striped so that it could give the film impression. Once I added the images, the website stranded out and made it a film website which is what my aim is to do. I tried to make the text suitable for a cinema website but as the text did not stand out with the black background I had to change the front of the writing which I think took around that cinema feeling from the writing.

I have achieved the result I wanted but with some things to be changed. As the time limit we had I could not do much work on how imaged it before starting to make our website. I wanted to have a page that opens before entering the main page. On this opening page I wanted to play a film trailer to make the audience be more interested with all hits high stranded flash work. I say this because when i click on a website, I want to see a page that’s really big and makes the page look like a movie playing. I could not do this type of page because of the time limit and the amount of work that could go into this one page so I left it out. My slide show opens really slow. Once I entre the page the slide show does not open with the main page at the same time, it starts after 2 seconds which is a long time for a flash website. I like the design of my website and I think it goes with the theme I have picked.

The main problem I had was to upload a trailer on my film page. When I imported my video I had trouble of making it work. On the Mac I was working on it did not work to had to use my friends one to see if it does not upload on a different Mac. I tried and it worked. So I had put two trailers on to the page but I had another problem. When I entered the film page, both of the trailers starts to play. What I wanted to do was to have the audience press the play button on the video line so that both of the trailers do not play at the same time and have two different sounds playing.

I had difficulty with organizing my time line because the setting for a website if really hard and I did not know to organize it. So I had to have my teacher help me to re set my time line. Once he showed me how to set it out, I know what to do when adding a new layer top the time line.

From this project I have learnt how to make your own website. In the beginning of this project, I through it would be really hard as there needs to be 3 different pages and some writing with it. I have learnt how to make a button with the design and the action where you would need to lead it to a page that it could take you to. I have learnt how to organise the timeline to make all the action on the page work. I have learnt how to use Photoshop and make slips, different types of back ground designs. I have not learnt how to organising the actions for flash. It’s a bit confusing on what to writing on the action bit which guides the button or the graphic on to something. I needed a lot of help on that but at the end of it i got and hand of it and now know what to do. On my website I got a slide show which was really hard to do and really confusing as well. I asked my teacher if I could do a slide show with adverts that I have got from the interview. He had guided me on what to do. First I had to do the slide show on a Photoshop file, add the adverts and film posters I had called my teacher to see what I had to do next. So my teacher showed me how to make a slide show which the process is really hard to understand at first. Once I went home I looked up some tutorials which helped me understand what my teacher was doing. I have learnt how to make a movie clip. On the tutorials we had done as a class before starting our main website, we had done some work on movie clips. So I had a look back at them to see what process I had done to get the ending result. Once I looked back at my work, I tried the same thing with my work. It did not work at first, so I deleted the whole movie clip like work price and tried to make another one. The second time I had done it was the right thing to make a movie clip but all my film posters where going to fast which makes the audience confused on what they are looking at. So I double clicked on the movie clip and added space on to each film poster to that there would be enough time for the audience to see the film poster. Once I done that I have liked the ending result ad the timing was profit.

What I would do differently if I was to re to thing project I would design my website on a paper first so I have a clearer idea on how I would do it. When I started doing creating my website I did not know what to put where and what types of designs would fit into the cinema category. I would research on other film webs; see what they have added and what information the website would not need.  Once I have done that I would waste more time on the home page and the film page because they are the most important bits of building up your own website. When I was creating my own website I have wasted most of my time on Photoshop, doing different types of background designs which was pointless because if I had picked it quicker and not have wasted time on creating 4 different types of background, I would of have move time on creating my film page much better. I love my home page so I would not change any thing on that but I would change my film page a lot. On my film page I wanted to make buttons which write film names on them so that the audience could click on the film they want to get information on, so it would be much easier for the audience and much easier to fit into the page. Add more flash work to make my pages more fancier then it is right now. On my website there is not a lot of things that moving, its dull with the action and with the writings but if I had them move around it would of make the website more interesting then it is and audience would take more longer to have a look at the page because they would not be bored with the plain writing and movement. The way i wanted my website to open was to have a trailer playing before entering the main homepage. As this would take a lot of time and effort to do, I left it out but if I had the strengthto do the way i wanted it to be, i would of have a trailer play before entering the main home page.

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